Sunday, November 16, 2008

Letter of the Week - Kk

Each week we talk about a different letter in the alphabet. I figure this provides some learning time while keeping it fun. Fia does "school work" each day after the morning viewing. Nico gets a snack in his highchair and Fia works while she snacks at the kitchen table. Here are our Kk activities for the week:
1. Make a kite. We used construction paper and paints.
2. Make a kangaroo. I used the template from Dltk-kids.
3. Make a K and J t-chart. I use sesame street characters off of a website to create the t-chart headings and then
cut out construction paper squares and write the letters on them. Her job is to glue the letters in the proper places
color the characters.
4. Make a Kk web. I print out and cut out different pictures on the computer that start with K. She just has to glue them
on the web and say their names. It's a good way to introduce new words or objects to her vocabulary plus, well, she
loves to glue.
This is a short week because we are going to Columbus for two that's all!

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