Friday, December 5, 2008

Confessions of a Bad Mommy #3

1.  When watching "Follow That Bird" (for the 100th time) I find myself becoming attracted to Gordon when he's singing something about there ain't no road too long. (If the feeling starts to get out of control I simply think of him talking about going numero uno and numero dos in Elmo's Potty Time and any feelings of attraction immediately evaporate.)

2.  I didn't let my son eat eggs until he was 10-11 months old but he had his first taste of raw cookie dough when he was about 6 months - no cooked eggs but raw!

3.  I looked online to see if my beautiful baby boy was "obese"  - so many chubby baby comments that I started getting paranoid.  (No worries - until they are 2 you aren't even suppose to think about it unless their height and weight are drastically different - really different).

4.  I worry about getting pregnant for a third time because if my bladder gets any weaker we will have to buy diapers for 3 people in the household.  Speaking of diapers................

5.  My daughter will probably be the first kindergartner to wear diapers.  I find it to be very taxing to even think about potty training.  I only  change her diaper 3 times a day.  She poops every third day.  I don't worry about ever changing her sheets or clothes.  I mean that seems A LOT more convenient to me than all this going to the potty all the time.  I suppose my husband will make me try again soon.

6.  I HATE my vacuum cleaner - I mean I have a deep and abiding loathing for it.  I actually threw the attachments against the wall the other day (No children or husband home).  It will not sweep hard floors - hmmmm, where do I spend a lot of my time? - the kitchen - doing what? making a mess!  Very frustrating.......

7.  I call my brother-in-law when he is at work because I can't reach Joe during the day.  I have called about directions places, about dinners, about repairing household items - what item you may ask? why my horrid vacuum cleaner of course!  He has yet to complain about it..........

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