Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hear Her Roar

Last night my beautiful, amazing friend gave birth...........

In her bedroom..............

After almost six hours of pushing.............

Without any form of medication...............

To a beautiful baby boy who weighed 10 lbs, 12 ounces.

10 POUNDS 12 OUNCES. I thought it needed to be repeated. To give a little perspective, when Fia was 2 weeks old we got out the baby scale we had bought at a garage scale and put her on it. We videotaped and took pictures of her on the scale, we clapped and gave little cheers because she had gained a little weight.

She now weighed 7 pounds! Yea Fia! You ate!

As first time parents we were a little moronic about things. Seriously, we sat around the scale documenting the moment and cheering our little baby on. For more perspective, the baby scale was gone by the time Nico arrived and there were no more weigh-ins much less pictures taken of him while being weighed. By the time poor Francesca arrived there seemed to be no pictures at all. In her baby book that I make for each of the kids on their first birthday (snapfish - oh the miracle of online-they-do-everything-for-you scrapbooking!!!) I almost mistakenly used a picture of her second cousin on the cover who was born a mere five days before she was. It was one of the only ones I could find before she was a month or two old (Again, remember I went home to a young three year old and 21 month old Nico........I am surprised Francesca didn't sustain any lasting injuries during that time, pictures were the last thing on my mind). It took looking at the date to realize it was the wrong baby....................... friend. Brave, strong, wonderful friend........remember your comment two posts ago?

Enough said.

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