Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Even just STAND at the Door ;)

So the past week or so I have been really fixated on the fact that you just need to walk out your door to see who God has called you to serve, who you are to take the Good News to, even wrote a blog post about need to go finding people, God will bring them to you.

Walked into the bathroom tonight...........

Saw something taped on the mirror................

Hmmmm, it's one of the pages from the calendar that I made Joe for Christmas last year - bought a 365 day calendar and wrote movie quotes, questions, glued pictures, messages, etc.  Wonder what one this is?

October 10th - Name three things I do that brighten your day.  Write them down.

This is what he wrote first:

1.  Meet me at the door.

BAM. Smacked me right in the face.

Ok, God.  I get it.

I promise.

No more messing around.  First things first, right?  Love you, God.  Love the fact that You can be as literal as the AWESOME husband you gave me.

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